I have been working as a physiotherapist since 2001. My specialist fields are neuro rehabilitation and orthopaedic manual therapy. In addition to practicing in the private offices “Health19” and “Kompakt”, I work as an external lecturer at IMC FH-Krems.
My therapy is always based on the “positive approach”. This approach directs attention to the given potential of my patients.
To obtain best results with my patients as well as students, I maintain steady exchange with an international expert network in various medical areas.
Professional Development
Since 2020
Lecturer in the physiotherapy study program at IMC Fachhochschule Krems
Since 2019
Independent physiotherapist at “Therapiezentrum Kompakt”, 1200 Vienna
Since 2011
Independent physiotherapist at “Gemeinschaftspraxis Health19”, 1190 Vienna
Lauch of “bee – business exercise education”, a software-supported instruction program for active muscular-skeletal training in the office www.bee-energized.com
2009 – 2013
Neurological Rehabilitation Center Rosenhügel, Vienna
Treatment of neurologic and neuro-orthopaedic patients
2008 – 2009
Rehab-Clinic Walenstadtberg, Switzerland
Treatment of patients in the fields of neurology, internal medicine, and orthopaedics
2007 – 2008
Kaiser Foundation Hospital, California, USA
Postgraduate physiotherapy program: Training as PNF-Therapist
2004 – 2006
Rehab-Clinic Walenstadtberg, Switzerland (see above)
2002 – 2004
Orthopaedic-rheumatologic specialist hospital Kurköln, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany
Training with Prof. Dr. Janda, Rehabilitation Clinic at Karls University, Prague, Czech Republic
Degree at Physio-Akademy, Wittlich, Germany
Additional training
- Training as PNF-Therapist at KFRC, California, USA
- Training as Manual Therapist (German Society for Manual Medicine)
- Bobath basic and advanced course
- Training as lymphatic drainage and edema therapist
- Additional traing course in N.A.P. (Neuroorthopedic Activity-dependent Plasticity)
- Kinesio-Taping; Taping in the field of sports
- Spacecurl-Therapy
- Physiotherapeutic sports counselling and training
- Visceral manipulation
- Functional electric stimulation
- Skoliosis treatment
- Neuroorthopaedics
- Back therapy training
- Rehabilitation of function
- Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology
- Electrotherapeutics
Special field PNF
PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is a universal treatment concept, which is applied by physiotherapists all over the world. Since 1940 it is one of the most recognized treatment concepts in physiotherapy.
- Training as PNF-Therapist at KFRC, California, USA
- Member of the IPNFA (International PNF Association)
https://ipnfa.org/index.php/members/associate-members.html - 2010 establishment of the PNF work group, Vienna
- External lecturer for PNF at IMC FH Krems
- „Manueller Kontakt im PNF-Konzept. Wirkungsvergleich zwischen Fazilitation in Bewegungsrichtung und einem Griff um das Handgelenk”.
(“Manual contact in the PNF concept. Comparison of effect between facilitation in the direction of movement and a grip around the wrist.”
In: pt-Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 11/2009 - „Das PNF-Konzept in der Praxis. Anwendung am Beispiel eines Patienten mit Hemiplegie”.
(“The PNF concept in practice. Application at the example of a patient with hemiplegia.”)
In: pt-Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 11/2009 - „Power-Posen in der Physiotherapie“ (“Power posing in physiotherapy”)
In: Physioactive 5/2015