First visit
To start therapy, you need a medical prescription from a general practitioner, specialist or hospital doctor. You should have this prescription approved from your health insurance provider before you begin therapy and bring it at your first visit.
After therapy, you will get a fee note, which you can send to your health insurance company together with your prescription. According to the terms and conditions of your health insurance provider, you will be refunded a part of the therapy costs.
Please bring existing medical findings and reports, comfortable clothing, and a towel.
Concepts of treatment
Neurophysiotherapy: The treatment of neurological diseases like apoplectic stroke, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis is treated with special physiotherapeutic concepts (e.g. PNF, Bobath), which aim to recover maximum function and increase life quality.
PNF Conzept: PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is a concept of treatment and a philosophy. It is one of the most recognized treatment concepts in modern physiotherapy. Patients with neurologic as well as orthopaedic and traumatic disease patterns are being treated with PNF.
Bobath Concept: The Bobath Concept is based on findings in neurophysiology and developmental neurobiology and is oriented on the patients’ resources. The Bobath Concept does not entail prescribed methods, exercises or techniques being applied to all patients in the same way, but rather focuses on the individual capabilities of patients.
Manual Therapy: Manual Therapy is one of the oldest therapeutic methods to treat restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. Tension or „blockades“ are relieved with well-directed, skilled hand movements of the therapist. In case of restricted mobility of joints or displaced vertebrae the therapist intervenes manually by “re-adjusting” them.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage: Manual lymphatic drainage is a form of physiotherapy and part of the “complex physical decongestive therapy”. The lymphatic drainage is activated with the help of specific massage techniques.
Scoliosis Treatment: Scoliosis therapy aims at the optimal straightening of the spine as well as the prevention of further curving and the connected negative consequences.
Kinesio-Taping: Kinesio tape is an elastic therapeutic tape made of cotton. By the application of such a tape leads to an altered perception of pain, an improved perception of mobility, and an increased blood and lymphatic flow. Furthermore, muscle tensions can be influenced in a positive way.
Jaw joint treatment: Pain when chewing, teeth grinding or crackling sounds are sings of a dysfunction of the jaw, a so called “Craniomandibular Dysfunction” (CMD). In physiotherapy, the physiological movement pattern is re-acquired by targeted manual measures, treatment of the fasciae and active movement training.
Tinnitus: When tinnitus is caused by tensions or dysfunction of the jaw joint or the cervical spine, physiotherapy is induced regarding a reduction of the intensity and/or the intervals or even the complete settling of the phenomenon. Manual measures, tension-regulating techniques aimed at the soft parts, active exercises as well as posture and behavioural training can be part of the therapy.
Vertigo therapy: The causes of vertigo are very diverse. A precondition for a useful application of physiotherapy is a correct diagnosis. Treatment takes place according to the kind of vertigo.
Osteopathic techniques: Osteopathic techniques are, for example, used to treat functional disorders or the musculoskeletal system as well as the inner organs.
Trigger point therapy: Trigger points are locally limited areas of stiffness in the skeletal muscles, which are sensitive to pressure. Pain in other regions of the body can emanate from these pain points. Through trigger point therapy, pain and restriction of motion can be treated very efficiently and sustainably.
Fascial therapy: Fasciae are connective tissue, serving as partition, covering and conjunction in our body. Mobilization of the fasciae can improve the resilience and functionality in many body parts.
Sport-specific training and physiotherapy: Therapeutic care and counselling includes a precise evaluation of the status: Information about strength, stamina, muscular imbalances, muscular coordination and injuries is collected before a treatment and training goal is defined. In addition to the physiotherapeutic treatment, a sport-specific training plan is compiled.
Scar therapy: The treatment of scars deals with the dissipation of facial adherence. Lösen bindegewebiger Verklebungen, um beispielsweise Bewegungseinschränkungen und Schmerzen zu therapieren.
Prevention: Purposeful physiotherapy teaches you how to prevent discomfort and injuries by applying a good body posture and the optimal movement behaviour.